Prince rods Coven proudly offers a variety of services. We consider ourselves to be full-service in the sense that we do all of the work on your behalf, keeping you updated along the way, and that we offer fully custom work for even the most complex situations. Our spiritual services truly know no bounds, and we encourage you to reach out with your story so we can suggest the most appropriate help for you.
Spell Services

Some of the things we specialize in helping include spells for the following:
- Love and Romance
- Finding New Soul Mates
- Bringing Back Ex-Lovers
- Resolving Love Triangles, and Break Up Castings
- Infusing Passion and Spark into a Relationship
- Saving a Marriage or Stopping a Divorce
- Removing Unwanted Third Parties
- Engagement or Proposal Castings
- Communication or “Contact Me” Castings
- Marriage Castings
- Divorce Castings
- Promotion or Job Castings
- Money, Finance, Career, or Job Castings
- Beauty, Weight Loss, and Realistic Physical Change
- Justice, Court Castings
- Changing Someone’s Mind
- & So Much More!
Psychic Services
We offer a variety of psychic services. Here is a brief list of what we can do for you:
- Question and Answer-style Psychic Readings – You ask your questions, we soak answers for you, the old fashioned way.
- Past Life Readings – You provide your name, date of birth and a few other details, and we find as many past lives as we can, returning to you as much detail as possible.
- General Readings – You provide your name, date of birth and a few other details, and we find as much information about your future as possible.
- Guardian Readings – You provide your full name, date of birth, and we determine if any of your ancestors or past lost ones are watching over you, and if they have any messages for you.
- Seance Readings – You provide your full name, date of birth and a few other details, as well as the full name and date of birth of whomever you are trying to contact from the other side. You may optionally supply questions for this individual. We then conduct a seance to contact the deceased individual and retrieve your answers, as well as any information they wish to contribute.
- Situational Readings – You supply your full name and date of birth, as well as that of anyone else involved in a particular situation, and some information about the situation. We then run a general reading surrounding that situation and return you any information the reading reveals.
Remember, if you do not see a service or need on this page, we might still be able to help you. Please reach out and tell us your story so that we can see how we can better help you.