Find Your Path, Find Your Answer Fri, 09 Jul 2021 03:39:44 +0000 en hourly 1 32 32 Are Ghosts (and Spirits) Real? Fri, 09 Jul 2021 03:38:15 +0000 Are There Real Ghosts or Spirits and Are They Evil?

What Are Ghosts?

Ghosts are deceased entities who used to possess a human body and still can interact in some form or fashion with the world of the living.  They are made of energy or spirit. Ghosts are most commonly entities who have not crossed over but have unfinished business.  They may choose to take a light alignment and help the living, coexist with the living, support the living, or focus on resolving their own issues and conflict.  They may also choose to take a dark alignment, haunting a person, place or thing.  Ghosts can sometimes be seen with the right set of eyes, however, they are more frequently heard, felt, or summoned.

Are Ghosts Evil?

Ghosts are not inherently evil.  They may adopt evil traits or practices based upon the things which have happened to them in their living life. It can be hard to determine a ghost’s true intention, as some of them are certainly known to play games or cause disruption.  Most ghosts, even those with seemingly positive intentions, still cannot be trusted.

What Is the Afterlife Like?

The afterlife contains many stages of being.  There are beings of singularity, who have crossed over and found complete peace. There are beings of torment, positioned specifically to haunt and be haunted.  There are beings with unfinished business (often called ghosts), who may be friendly or not.  There are beings who protect, such as guardians or angels.  And there are evil spirits.  The afterlife is a blend of spiritual existence, energy, and a variety of moral alignments. Sometimes, especially from the living side, it can be hard to understand what energy or entity is attempting communication or interaction with the living.

Can We Communicate with Ghosts and Spirits?

Communication between the living and the deceased has always been possible.  It is often easier for the deceased to contact the living, which is unfortunate considering most of the living do not believe communication is possible.  It is possible to accidentally contact a dead or a spirit, whether intentionally or not. It is possible for a professional to safely contact the deceased, and spirits as well, with the appropriate communication rituals.  Sometimes the communication reveals long streams of conversation and information, while other times the communication will be simpler and to the point or even just one word or sound.  Communication can come in many forms including audibles (e.g. hearing a voice or sound), tactile (e.g. feeling a touch), smells, thoughts, mental images, visual hallucinations, and more.

For information about seances and contacting the other side, check out one of our other blogs, Is It Possible to Contact the Dead?

Parting Words of Wisdom Regarding Ghosts and Spirits

Remember that not all ghosts and spirits are going to be of good-natured alignment.  There will be ghosts of good energy, neutral energy, and evil energy.  Spirits are spread across a similar morality spectrum.  It is always wise to consult a professional if you believe there is a haunting of any kind.  It is also wise to get a professional’s advice or an experienced practitioner’s help when attempting to contact the dead or communicate with the other side.  If you are looking for help, Ancient Wicks Witches Coven offers free consultations and would love to hear your goals and offer any guidance we can!

Are Money Spells Real? Fri, 09 Jul 2021 03:30:45 +0000 Wiccan Wealth and Money Spells That Work

What Are Money Spells?

Money spells are spiritual rituals or exercises which draw a money-attracting energy to a person, aura, business, or institution of some kind.  Nearly as far back as mankind has conceived money, there has been focus on the energy needed to obtain it.  Money spells and rituals allow practitioners to weave energy that attracts money and wealth, giving an aura an unusually high edge in terms of luck, success, and/or fortune.  The composition of a money spell, in terms of ingredients and ritual exercises/criteria, are vast in diversity, and the skill and experience of the practitioners itself plays a large part in the success and efficiency of a money spell.

Money spells are also sometimes called wealth spells, finance spells, lottery spells, gambling spells, business spells, career spells, job spells, and more.  Although these titles do not always qualify as a “money spell,” the term is used rather carelessly.  Still, real money spell is a spell or ritual which focuses on an end outcome of money. And real money spells focus on realistic outcomes and expectations.

What Are Realistic Outcomes and Expectations for Money Spells?

Money spells can truly focus on any amount of money or wealth; however, some goals are going to be easier to obtain and considered more realistic. Like any other spell, a money spell is only going to be as powerful and effective as the practitioner(s) and their ingredients.  Some rituals are far higher quality, with routines that have ancestral roots dating back hundreds of years. These rituals are usually cast by full covens with generations of experience, using the strongest ingredients.  Obviously, these types of money spells will be far more capable and effective, and far faster. 

While many of the more intricate rituals are almost always cast by professionals, there are also simple money spells.  These types of spells can be performed with nothing more than a single green candle, or a single green strand of yarn.  The simpler money spells (especially performed by amateurs) will always be the least effective and take the longest to manifest, if they ever manifest at all.  Ultimately, the outcome of a money spell is realistic if it is within the confines of reality and the capability of the practitioner or coven.

Different Types of Money Spells

As with all types of magick, there are many different practices, rituals, ingredients, casting styles, and spell criteria.  These are some of the most practiced versions of money spells, and a little about the style or practice in application.

Wiccan Money Spells

Some of the most traditional spells cast for money fall within the scope of the Wiccan or Pagan umbrella of witchcraft. These spells may use the moon cycle, candles, crystals, parchment and chants, fire and circles, wands, robes, staves and more.  Sometimes they are much simpler too, involving a short chant and meditation ritual.  Regardless, there are hundreds of thousands of variants (if not more) of wiccan money spells, some of them far more effective than others.

Wiccan Lottery Spells

Lottery Spells for Winning

Like the traditional existence of wiccan money spells, the wiccan lottery spell has been around for as long as the lottery itself.  Typically, it focuses on blessing a chosen set of numbers or the person playing the lottery themselves. These spells are more difficult to achieve manifestation, as they are competing with many other energies and spells (it is reasonable to say at this point no lottery goes by without at least 10 thousand spells being cast for a victory).  Competition with other practitioners means hiring the best and doing the best work becomes more important.

Voodoo Money Spells

Many people have the false perception that voodoo is evil. Like any magick, voodoo has its good parts and its bad parts, and it is up to the practitioners to practice in an ethical fashion.  Voodoo money spells can sometimes include totems or voodoo dolls, however, there are certainly standalone voodoo spells as well. There are Haitian Voodoo spells, Louisiana Voodoo spells, and traditional African Voodoo spells.

Candle Magick Money Spells

Candle magick has been around for nearly as long as candles. There are candle magick spells and rituals for nearly every religious or spiritual practice. For example, even mainstream Christianity utilizes candles for spiritual purposes.  The types, colors, sizes, blessings, dressings, and ritual interactions of a candle make a difference in the potency, effectiveness, and speed of a spell’s manifestation.  Sometimes, only a single candle is required to conduct many rituals; while other times, many candles are used in a single ritual.

Crystal Magick Money Spells

Crystal magick is a very strong technique, and the spells and talisman sets that come from crystal work can be extremely effective.  There are so many different crystals with so many different metaphysical properties, making it very easy to select appropriate crystals for nearly any situation. There are many money attracting crystals

Salary or Pay Increase Spells

Money Spells can be cast all different ways with many different ingredients.

Some money spells are as simple focused as increasing one’s salary.  If there is a higher paying job or position, it is possible to target this position with a custom crafted salary spell. It is also possible to do spells that bring new jobs, new opportunities, or other improvements to the workplace.

Insurance, Court/Justice, or Legal Settlement Spells

Insurance, court cases, and legal settlements have bred an entirely new genre of money spells.  If the situation depends upon many different moving parts to work (a jury, a judge, a courtroom, prosecutors, witnesses, the government, a department of some kind, lawyers, etc.), it can be easier to custom craft a money spell that includes these facets of the situation as well.  Having a customized spell that focuses on many attributes of a situation almost always makes the spell stronger and more effective.

Picking the Right Money Spell

Obviously, there will be times where the correct money spell for a situation is clear. For example, a legal settlement spell will be the best choice when looking for some spiritual backup in a legal battle involving a large monetary settlement.  Another example of an obvious connection would be casting a spell to receive a pay raise at work, when there is a position available which pays more money.  Other times, selecting the right money spell for the job may require a little extra thought.  Fortunately, there are ways to customize spells for any situation, and experienced practitioners are able to personalize nearly any spell. Oftentimes it is best to seek the advice of a professional in determining the right money spell for your situation. Ancient Wicks Witches Coven offers 100 percent free consultations, and if you reach out today we can help you find the perfect money spell for you!

How to Properly Cleanse a Home or Property Fri, 09 Jul 2021 03:27:45 +0000 Cleansing Your Home or Property

What is a Home Cleansing?

Homes come in all shapes, colors, sizes, and spiritual alignments. Some homes are calm, soothing, and peaceful places. Other homes or properties can be possessed, negative, energy-sucking, or just down-right evil.  Whether the home is possessed, or a new family is moving in, a home cleansing is almost always a good idea.  Home cleansings are spells or rituals cast by a spiritualist, practitioner, or coven, which eliminate negativity and bad energy from a designated property.  The rituals can be complex or simple. They can involve many ingredients or no ingredients. They can be short, or they can be long.  In the end, the cleansing will only be as powerful as its components, and the first step is to determine what type of negative energy is present, if any.

“Can I Cleanse My House Myself?”

The first step in a home or property cleansing is determining if it is possible to do yourself (or if you even want to attempt to do it yourself). Besides the fact that there are varying levels of skill when it comes to cleansings, there are also numerous types of cleansings. If you have any reason to believe that there are demons, spirits, or any types of entities present within the home or property, it is always best to consult with a professional.  It is also usually encouraged to conduct the cleansing as a full coven.  And while basic cleansings will be suitable for most non-haunted properties, sometimes it can be hard (or even impossible) to determine if there are entities present without a divination ritual.

How to Cleanse a Home or Property Yourself

After you have determined it is possible to cleanse a home or property yourself, the next step is to decide the methodology. And as mentioned, there are many ways to cleanse a property, however, there are two methods which are more commonly practiced.

Crystal Cleansings

Crystal cleansings are one of the most common types of cleansings for homes and property, as they can be setup throughout the home without intruding much on day-to-day living.  A crystal cleansing can mean placing a stone in the room where the cleansing needs to occur and leaving it for a period of time (such as overnight). It could mean lighting some candles and meditating with a crystal in each room of the home.  Crystals are sometimes placed in every corner, or every room of the home.  Some practitioners prefer to place the crystals in the center of the room, where they can absorb the energy inward, and then the crystals can be buried.  Other practices involve placing crystals in each of the corners of the room to draw the energy outwards, or to prevent negativity from even entering the room to begin with.  There are very intricate crystal routines which cast a “protective, cleansing net” around a home (usually the crystals surround the property lines for this type of cleansing).  There are also remote crystal cleansings, where the crystals are not present in the physical home itself at any point in time.

Some of the most common crystals used in cleansing and protection spells include: Amethyst, Black Moonstone, Black Tourmaline, Carnelian, Chevron, Citrine, Jasper, Jet, Lapis Luzuli, Onyx, Quartz Crystal, Rose Quartz, Smokey Quartz, and Turquoise.

Sage Cleansings

A spiritual practitioner conducting a sage cleansing ceremony.

Sage is a powerful cleansing incense. It has been used to cleanse homes, properties, people, rituals, and circles for thousands of years.  Sage wands can be used to move from room to room in a home, warding away evil and negativity.  The wands will disseminate an energy which expunges entities from a room, and it can give even some of the rottenest homes a fresh start. Burning sage produces a thick smoke which can be a problem for smoke detectors and should not be inhaled.  A respirator is highly recommended when conducting a sage cleansing.

Some Last Words of Advice When Cleansing a Home or Property…

Cleansing a home or property is a good idea when it is new (upon moving in), when you move out, and as regular maintenance.  Some practitioners suggest cleansing your home as often as once a week.  It can be as simple as lighting a candle and meditating with a crystal or working a single sage wand from room to room, but general maintenance can go a long way in the spiritual happiness of your home.  When entities are involved, however, the cleansings will definitely need to be more potent and thorough. And remember, it is always best to get the advice of a professional coven or practitioner if you believe your home is haunted, possessed, harboring negative energy, or otherwise requires a cleansing.  Ancient Wicks Witches Coven is happy to offer you our free advice and provide any suggestions we can! Please feel free to reach out today and we will be happy to tell you what we think!

How to Cast a Talisman or Amulet Wed, 07 Jul 2021 20:34:37 +0000 Making Your Own Talisman or Amulet

What is a Talisman?

In short, a talisman is a spiritual object, usually jewelry or a crystal, which is bestowed with the potency of a spell.  Usually, it is crafted to make the spell results stronger or to improve the connection between the practitioner and the target goal or person.  Sometimes it can be an object that has a personal relevance (such as a family heirloom, a favorite ring, or even a lock of hair). Other times it is a new piece of jewelry, stone, or object.  Regardless, a talisman is capable of being crafted out of many things, and some objects will be stronger choices than others.  Often times professional covens will use stone or crystal based jewelry of relevance to the desired goal or manifestation. For example, a love spell would be complemented appropriately with a rose quartz-based talisman.  Whereas, there are other stones which are better suited for psychic intuition, divination, wealth or empowerment, and passion.  In one of our other blog posts, we detailed a number of crystals and stones, and how they might be used for their metaphysical values.

The bottom line though, is that a talisman is cast (or crafted) to encourage more powerful results from a spell.  It can be worn, carried on the person, or stored in a place of significant value (alter, by the bedside, etc.).

Is There a Difference Between a Talisman and an Amulet?

Yes, there are differences between a talisman and an amulet.  A talisman can be crafted of many types of objects, some holding their own spiritual value on the side (such as a stone or a crystal), and others with no natural spiritual value (such as a lock of hair or a favorite trinket of some kind). A talisman does not need to be worn to work. 

Amulets almost always hold spiritual value on their own. Stones, crystals, wood, and metals are excellent examples of amulet materials. Amulets are also typically crafted to be worn. They are almost always thought of as jewelry.  Most of the time, amulets will be more expensive (but higher quality and stronger potency) spiritual objects.

How to Obtain or Make a Talisman or Amulet for a Spell

There are two types of ways to acquire a talisman or amulet.

Talisman and Amulets can look many different ways!

Make a Talisman or Amulet Yourself

Making a talisman is easier than it sounds.  The first step is finding a relevant or adequate object.  This could be a favorite trinket, a stone or rock, a piece of jewelry, or even a piece of cloth.  The next step is to pair the talisman or amulet with a corresponding spell. Remember, the strength of the spell and materials, as well as the materials chosen for the talisman itself, will always bear influence over the ultimate power the talisman carries.  And finally, the talisman needs to be included in the ritual (at minimum), or ideally cast upon with special attention and resources to develop the desired potency.  For an individual amateur caster, this might mean a rather weak spell and/or a rather weak talisman.  For an experienced coven, it could mean an extraordinarily strong spell and a very strong talisman.  The talisman will always be as strong as their crafters and the spellwork (which includes the strength and quality of the selected ingredients as well).

Obtain a Talisman or Amulet from A Coven or Spiritualist

Talisman and amulets can be purchased or otherwise obtained from experienced spiritualists or covens. They are of varying strengths, qualities, physical attributes, sizes, values, and prices.  Some covens offer fully-cast amulets and talisman as a part of spells and rituals they offer as well.  Other covens and practitioners will cast only part of a talisman and instruct you to cast the remainder of the ritual yourself.  There are so many different types of talisman, amulets, and practitioners, that there are nearly endless options.

Ancient Wicks Witches Coven offers pre-cast talisman and amulets for sale of all types and strengths.  We have a collection of amulets and talisman which we have already bestowed specific types of energy, which can be completed on your end with an easy ritual to match your situation.  We also offer the completion ceremony as a service, so we can mail you a fully-charged, custom talisman or amulet for your situation. If you would like a free consultation or to learn more, please feel free to reach out so we can be of further assistance!

Some Parting Words of Advice on the Talisman and Amulet…

Whether you choose to make your own talisman or amulet, or purchase one from a professional, it is still wise that it is fused with a professional-grade spell or ritual. After all, a talisman is only as good as its practitioner’s skill and the quality of the resources.  Often times it makes more sense to purchase one crafted for you by a coven, solely for the fact the coven can do more labor as a team within a shorter period of time than a single witch could do.  This combined potency creates an amplification that cannot be achieved from solo casting.  Regardless, a spell will always be stronger with a talisman or amulet and they are always suggested to encourage a spell reach its maximum spiritual potential.

List of Crystals and Their Use in Magick Wed, 07 Jul 2021 19:53:10 +0000 Comprehensive Crystal List: Physical Appearance, Magickal Properties, and Spiritual Uses

Using Crystals in Magick or Spiritual Healing

Crystal magick and crystal healing have been around for thousands of years. Some techniques are far stronger than others, and some will provide faster results.  There are crystals of all types of power and ability, although, it could be said that even the source of the crystal makes a large impact on their potency.  Using crystals for their spiritual value starts with selecting the right crystal for the situation or area of focus.  It is also possible to combine crystals and stones for more powerful effects.

Full List of Crystals and Their Metaphysical Properties

Crystals have many different metaphysical properties and characteristics.

These are some of the most popular crystals used in modern witchcraft, crystal magick, or crystal healing, and their corresponding properties.


Physical Properties:

  • Purple or Violet
  • Jagged Geometric 6-sided Pyramid Formations
  • Semi-Opaque

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Protection
  • Defense and Prevention against Addictions
  • Healing Powers
  • Anti-Stress
  • Protection against Negative Thoughts
  • Promotes Better Sleep

Other Details:

Amethyst has been traditionally used to convert lower vibrations into higher vibrations and to transmute negativity into love and positivity.

Black Moonstone

Physical Properties:

  • Generally Black or Dark Blue (can be white occasionally)
  • Possesses White Lines and Threads

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Psychic Protection
  • Intuition
  • Psychic Development and Divinity

Other Details:

Many traditional cultures believe Black Moonstone to protect against xrays and radiation.

Black Tourmaline

Physical Properties:

  • Black
  • Possesses Silver Threads

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Protection against Mental and Emotional Stress
  • Promotes Energy and Vitality
  • Repairs Damage in the Aura (Green Tourmaline is Most Effective in Repair Work)

Other Details:

Black Tourmaline has been used to protect against radiation produced by small appliances (such as the computer or microwave).

Blue Opal

Physical Properties:

  • Blue
  • Slightly Opaque (occasionally)
  • Speckled with White, Teal, or Green Particles

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Honesty
  • Remaining True to Oneself
  • Internal Strength and Courage
  • Protection against Fear of Incrimination
  • Self Confidence Booster
  • Helps Improve Communication between Friends or Co-workers

Other Details:

Blue Opal has been used to attract people of similar mind-set or like-minded values.

Cactus Quartz

Physical Properties:

  • Lavender to Purple

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Encourages Love and Passion
  • Eliminates Fears and Negativity
  • Promotes Harmony and Balance

Other Details:

Cactus Quartz has a special place in Reiki Healing, where it is frequently used for its ability to promote serenity in the soul.


Physical Properties:

  • Yellow to White Stone

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Eliminates Negativity
  • Eliminates Negative Memories or Unresolved Feelings
  • Anti-Depression
  • Helps Repair Emotional Trauma
  • Repairs Broken Relationships
  • Improves Fertility and Reduces the Chance of Miscarriage
  • Relieves Fatigue and Promotes Energy
  • Encourages Motivation
  • Increases Courage

Other Details:

Carnelian is well known for its use in many traditional arts as a crystal tool for breaking free from negativity and starting anew.  The stone has been called revitalizing for those suffering depression or anxiety.


Physical Properties:

  • Cyan or Blue-Green in Color
  • May Contain Copper Ores or Oxidation

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Revitalizes the Chakras
  • Promotes Calmness and Relaxation
  • Encourages Self-awareness

Other Details:

Chrysocolla is a key stone in Reiki Healing.


Physical Properties:

  • Yellow, Brown or Orange
  • Grows as Short or Long Hexagonal Crystals

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Eliminates Negative Energy
  • Dispels Evil Spirits
  • Promotes Happiness, Positivity, and Joy
  • Encourages Optimism and Motivation
  • Promotes Clarity
  • Increases Concentration and Focus

Other Details:

Citrine is often used in cleansing rituals for its powerful ability to transform negative energy into positive energy. It is also used to remove fear and uncertainty, and as a general healing crystal (especially for elderly individuals, although it works for everyone). It can also boost psychic intuitiveness and divinity energy.


Physical Properties:

  • Clear or Transparent

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Powerful Healing Crystal
  • Balances the Mind, Body, and Soul

Other Details:

Diamonds hold values of many types in different cultures.  Some cultures use diamonds for their purported metaphysical ability to prevent and battle some diseases; and to promote metabolism.


Crystals have different metaphysical values in magick and spell casting.

Physical Properties:

  • Semi-transparent
  • Green

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Offers Emotional Healing
  • Offers Healing Energy for the Physical Heart


Physical Properties:

  • Metallic
  • Black or Dark Gray

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Eliminates Negative Energy
  • Promotes Balance and Harmony in the Aura
  • Improves Energy
  • Balances Emotions
  • Boosts Self-Esteem


Physical Properties:

  • White
  • Possess Black Threads

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Promotes Memory and Memory Recall
  • Promotes Relaxation and Calming Energy
  • Balances Emotional Energy
  • Eliminates Anger and Rage
  • Reduces Stress, Anxiety, and Pain

Other Details:

Some cultures use Howlite to balance calcium levels in the body.

Golden Topaz

Physical Properties:

  • Gold or Yellow

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Opens the Crown Chakra
  • Enhances Spirit and Positivity in the Aura and Physical Body

Other Details:

Golden Topaz is also known as Imperial Topaz. It has been purportedly used to neutralize cancer cell energy.

Green Calcite

Physical Properties:

  • Light to Medium Green

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Releases Negative Energy
  • Removes Energy Blockages
  • Encourages Personal Growth and Self-Confidence
  • Dispels Emotional Pain and Heartbreak


Physical Properties:

  • Green

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Improves Luck
  • Enhances Balance and Serenity in the Aura
  • Encourages Harmony
  • Stabilizes the Mind and Soul
  • Promotes Motivation and Independence

Other Details:

Jade is frequently used for its powerful tranquility-promoting properties.


Crystals can help with so many different rituals.

Physical Properties:

  • Grows in a Wide Range of Colors including Greenish-Blues, Red, Black, White-to-Yellows, Brownish-Oranges, and Grey
  • Sometimes Striped with Inferior Colors
  • Grows in Hexagonal Crystal Formations

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Protection from Negativity and Evil Spirits
  • Promotes Balance in the Mind and Aura
  • Encourages Confidence and Courage


Physical Properties:

  • Black

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Purification
  • Protection
  • Cleansing
  • Removal of Negativity

Other Details:

Jet is often used by spiritualists to cleanse other stones or crystals.  Typically, the Jet is placed in a large bowl or cauldron along with the crystals desired to be cleansed.

Lapis Lazuli

Physical Properties:

  • Dark Blue
  • Contains Specks of White, Yellow, or Gold

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Increase Self-Awareness
  • Increase Self-Expression
  • Improves Morality
  • Increases Self-Confidence
  • Psychic Protection

Other Details:

Lapis Lazuli is often used to prevent psychic divination.


Physical Properties:

  • Green
  • Various Striations of Green Colors

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Clears the Chakras
  • Improves Spiritual Connectivity


Physical Properties:

  • Green, Olive, or Tanish-Blue
  • Amorphous, Isotropic

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Promotes Clarity
  • Improves Energy
  • Contains Earth Energy
  • Improves Motivation

Other Details:

Moldavite is formed as a projectile from meteorite impacts. It is often used as a part of a spiritual journey, self-transformation, or self-exploration.


Physical Properties:

  • Black

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Protection from Negativity
  • Removes Anger, Hostility, Depression and Pain Energy
  • Offers Physical Protection Energy
  • Stress Reduction
  • Eliminates Fear and Denial

Other Details:

Obsidian is often used to remove spiritual blockages in the aura.


Physical Properties:

  • Black

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Repels Negativity and Evil Spirits
  • Grounds the Aura

Orange Calcite

Physical Properties:

  • Orange to Yellow
  • Found in Masses (Rarely Grows in Crystal Form)

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Eliminates Past Trauma

Quartz Crystal

Physical Properties:

  • Clear or Transparent
  • Can Resemble Ice

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Powerful Healing Energy
  • Protection against Negativity
  • Converts Negative Energy into Positive Energy
  • Relaxes the Aura and Chakras
  • Amplifies and Catalyzes the Powers and Strengths of Other Crystals and Stones

Other Details:

Quartz is one of the most common crystals found in a spiritualist’s kit, especially a healer. It is frequently used in Reiki Healing.

Rose Quartz

Physical Properties:

  • Pink and White
  • Vitreous Luster

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Grounds the Heart
  • Protection
  • Dispels Evil
  • Eliminates Negativity
  • Encourages Love and Friendship

Other Details:

Rose Quartz can be used to absorb negative emotions (anger, stress, pain, resentment, etc.).  It can be used in friendship spells as well as love spells.

Smokey Quartz

Physical Properties:

  • Clear to Semi-Opaque Pink, White, or Brown

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Protection from Negativity
  • Grounding the Aura
  • Elimination of Negative Energy

Other Details:

Smokey Quartz is often used alongside Black Tourmaline for a combined protection.


Physical Properties:

  • Grows in Many Colors, though Most Typically Blues and Purples
  • Often Possesses White Stripes

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Balances pH
  • Reduces Inflammation
  • Relieves Pain and Headaches
  • Eliminates Digestive Issues
  • Heals Muscle Strain


Physical Properties:

  • Purple
  • Black Striations

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Reduces Fear, Anxiety, and Sadness
  • Relieves Pain and Discomfort


Physical Properties:

  • Cream, White, or Yellowish
  • Often Possesses Red Patches or Spots

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Clears Negativity
  • Balances the Chakras
  • Relieves Stress and Anxiety
  • Reduces Fear
  • Increases Emotional Strength
  • Promotes Physical Vitality


Physical Properties:

  • Blue or Green
  • Sometimes Patchy or with White or Black Striations
  • May Contain Specks

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Offers Immense Protection
  • Reduces Negativity in the Aura

Other Details:

Turquoise is often used to produce a spiritual shield of protection before or during spellwork.

Red calcite

Physical Properties:

  • Red or White
  • Grows as a Geometric Crystal

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Improves Energy and Stamina
  • Increases Self-Awareness, Strength, and Internal Power
  • Anti-Depression

Yellow calcite

Physical Properties:

  • Yellow to White

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Promotes Confidence
  • Increases Joy
  • Improves Hope

Some Final Tips on Using Crystals in Magick or Spiritual Healing

Crystals come in all shapes, colors, and sizes. They have been used for thousands of years throughout many cultures across the world. These stones offer many metaphysical properties which can be applied through a variety of crafts and practices to impact the aura and the real world. And although this guide provides a very thorough understanding of various crystals and how they can be used in magick or healing techniques, it is still wise to consult a professional if you are new to working with crystals or dealing with a difficult situation. Ancient Wicks Witches Coven is always happy to offer our opinion on a situation and provide a free consultation! We invite you to reach out anytime by clicking the button below!

How are Crystals Used in Magick and Healing? Wed, 07 Jul 2021 05:28:58 +0000 What is Crystal Magick (or Crystal Healing)?

A Brief History of Crystals and Their Use in Spiritual Practices

The beauty of the crystal and their many different formations and colors have fascinated people throughout all of history.  Crystals have a strong holding in many older cultures including Ancient China, Egypt, Greece, India, Japan, and Rome. They have a strong presence throughout the Americas as well. Sometimes they were collected for their perceived monetary values, their use in intricate jewelry, or for their metaphysical properties.  Crystals were almost always held with high spiritual regard, and have had their place in many religious ceremonies as well.  They would be found commonplace throughout gravesites and along monuments throughout the globe.

Popularity in Modern Times

Crystals have so many metaphysical uses in magick

Today, crystals are still present throughout much of popular culture, from the diamond engagement ring to gifts symbolic of passion and love.  Some are used to attract wealth and success and others can be used to ward away evil spirits.  Crystals come in all shapes and sizes, and many crystals even come in different colors.  There is a gigantic lexicon of minerals and stones which can be beneficial to one’s spiritual and physical well-being.  There are even practices and arts formed specifically around the use of crystals for their spiritual properties (e.g. Reiki healing, crystal balls, and other divination techniques).  They can be crafted into a talisman or amulet and charged to hold spell energy.  Sometimes they are simply used to bolster a circle’s energy. Their uses are impressive in spiritual practice.

Crystal Healing vs Crystal Magick

Although crystals have always been used for spiritual practices, there is most certainly a difference between crystal healing and crystal magick.  Throughout ancient history, they may have been more heavily associated with one another, but were distinguishably separate by the 21st century.  In terms of their differences, crystal healing typically focuses on intention to remove impurity, negativity, or imbalance within the mind, body, or soul; and crystal magick focuses on achieving a number of other results in one’s life (love, money, weight loss, happiness, a new opportunity, safety, protection, or the elimination of evil spirits).

How Crystals Offer Spiritual and Metaphysical Values

There are many ways to use the natural magick within a crystal or stone.

Crystals possess innate energies of all types. Some of their metaphysical properties will be stronger than others, and some crystals work very well together. Others would make no sense to use together. For example: two crystals which possess strong love energy, such as garnet and jade, would work very well together in a love spell or a love talisman.  The crystals possess diverse energies which can be described as frequencies.  These frequencies resonate and interact with the aura and draw the desired energies from the environment.  They possess a magnetic power, a signature of the Earth, and one which is a natural magick.  Sometimes they are used simply by possessing them and keeping them on one’s person. Other times they are included in intricate spell casting rituals. In the end, their value is still as good as the craftsmanship and experience of the practitioner working the crystals or stones.

Beyond the intrinsic value the practitioner is able to cast within a stone or crystal, it is worth noting the majestic energy present within the rock itself.  Rocks are fusions of chemicals, bonding, and aging processes throughout the Earth’s crust. They are fine offerings of the Earth’s various significant, spiritual appendages.  Some of the crystals and stones exhibit strong energies for money or success, while others will favor more sensitive goals.  Regardless, the ability to highlight these natural offerings and paint them throughout one’s life is invaluable!

Different Types of Crystals and Their Metaphysical Properties

The first step in understanding crystal magick, crystal healing, and what crystals can do for you, is to know which crystals possess which metaphysical properties.  Using stones by their colors has been a long-valued tradition in magick, as the colors themselves hold value.  In terms of using crystals in magick on their representational color only, the following chart can be referenced:

  • Black is typically representative of protection, defense, binding, bonding, repelling curses and hexes, and black magick itself.
  • White is associated with protection, cleansing, purity and purification, clarity and vision, and white magick.
  • Red typically offers energies of love, courage, stamina, passion, and self-esteem.
  • Pink is mostly used for love, affection, passion, sexual desire, and friendship.
  • Yellow is known for its ability to bolster friendship energy or to assist with gaining better control and power in one’s life.
  • Orange can offer control, power, money, and luck energies. It is also known to ease trauma.
  • Green notoriously helps with finances, money, wealth, success, job, career, abundance, relationships, fertility, and more.
  • Blue offers powers of healing and communication, safety and protection (especially on a trip), and more.
  • Indigo provides potencies of intuition, psychic ability, and balancing energy (karma, addictions).
  • Purple is known to provide spiritual protection, intuition, and growth.
  • Brown can be grounding, promote success, and allow contact with spirits and the Earth.

That said, although there are general color guidelines, there are most certainly breakdowns for each crystal itself. Whether an amateur or professional practitioner, it is always a good idea to get acquainted with the various types of crystals and their applications.

Click here to check out a full list of crystals and their uses!

Last Tips When Using Crystals in Spiritual Practice

Remember, not all crystals and stones are created equal. Some have been extensively dressed and offer powerful energies which can attract all sorts of results in the real world.  Others are small talisman additions to spells or gifts with general connectivity to certain desires.  Almost all crystals can be used in some form of spiritual healing or magick, and almost all crystals can be crafted for increased potency and influence.  As with most forms of magickal practice, the tools [crystals in this case] are only as powerful as the practitioner who wields them.

Need Some Guidance?

Ancient Wicks Witches Coven has two certified, crystal magick gurus on hand at all time. These two coven members can assist with remote reiki healing, crystal magick spells, divination, and more. If you are looking for help, we invite you to reach out today and let our coven get to know your case!

Is Negative Energy Ruining Your Life? Wed, 30 Jun 2021 22:46:47 +0000 How to Tell If Negative Energy or “Bad Karma” Is Destroying Your Life

Background Information About Negative Karma and Energy

Negative energy can come in all shapes and forms. Sometimes, it comes in an innocuous fashion, like a bad dream.  Other times, negativity can manifest in one’s life with more obvious prominence, such as the loss of a job or relationship.  Bad karma can create a lot of difficulties in one’s life and it can really bring us down.  Where it has come from can matter, but usually it is the way it impacts our day-to-day living which we notice. Fortunately, with the right knowledge and skill, there are ways to eliminate negative energy and adjust bad karma, tilting the odds back in your fa vor.

Having a clearer idea of what bad karma and negative energy do to our lives and how they can affect the big picture can help. Breaking down the many different types of negative energy and bad karma is the best way to understand them and determine the type of negative energy present in one’s life. 

Different Types of Negative Energy

These are the most common types of negative energy or bad karma which can be present in the aura, home, or within one’s life.

Bad Luck

Probably the most common type of negative energy within an aura is bad luck.  Bad luck can manifest in many ways, from getting caught at every single red light to losing important mail.  Sometimes, it will manifest in a string, making it difficult to catch one’s breath.  Bad luck can attach itself to the soul, where it will collect like spiritual plaque until it is treated. It can create a lot of inconveniences.  Bad luck can fester and even become contagious.

Bad Karma

Bad karma is typically considered the big cousin of bad luck in the sense that it is generally the outcome of an enormous pool of bad luck which has been untreated.  Much like tooth decay (bad luck) would become a cavity (bad karma).  Bad karma is a worse issue, as it more deeply affects day-to-day life and more ultimate life outcomes.  Unfortunately, also just like bad luck, bad karma will only get worse over time if left untreated.

Home-Based Hauntings or Residual Bad Energy

An environment holds the capacity to be infected with negative energy or hauntings.  This is how haunted houses are created: they are afflicted with a spiritual entity or a highly charged residual energy from the past which can be felt in the present.  This is quite common within homes which have harbored murders or other aggressive, emotionally combustible events.  These places often become larger portals, of which can allow even more spiritual evil and negativity to cross into the physical realm.

Curses, Hexes, or Spell Energy

Curses, hexes, or spell energy are less common forms of negative energy, however, they most certainly exist. Sometimes, it is a natural curse, meaning the curse was adapted after interacting with a haunted, evil, or otherwise spiritually unsavory object.  Curses can be adapted from visiting haunted places, or from other environmental variables.  Hexes and curses can also be the result of another’s evil doing (e.g. if you had an evil spell cast upon you).  It can also result from casting a spell yourself, without taking the right precautions (or if the objective of the spell would bring about negative energy or bad karma in itself).

Generational Energy (passed down in the family)

Unfortunately, it is possible to suffer negative energies of all sorts without even having done anything wrong.  One example of this is called “generational energy” – which is passed down within a family line (usually from a parent or grandparent).  It is true that families can be cursed. It is true that suffering can become genetic. It is also true, however, that unwanted generational energy can be eliminated and prevented against with the right skills and practitioners.

Unwanted Spirits [rare]

Although rare, unwanted spirits are sometimes the culprits behind negative energy or bad karma.  They could have come from performing an amateur invocation or spell of some kind.  They could have attached themselves in possession form.  They could have been a part of a home or residual event or haunting a family line.  Regardless, they can become spiritual pests which are difficult to eliminate, and they can destroy lives in the process of their existence.

Demons or Evil Entities [rare]

One of the rarest causes of negative energy in an individual’s life is a demonic or evil presence.  Unwanted spirits (mentioned above) are usually not considered evil; however, demons are as evil as it gets. They can corrode one’s life, one’s family, one’s household, or just about anything from the inside-out.  Sometimes the damage is irreparable. Often, the best course of action when dealing with a demon or evil entity is getting professional, experienced help.

How to Eliminate Negativity, Bad Karma, and Cleanse the Aura

Eliminating negativity can be a struggle, especially if the type of negative energy or karma has not been determined.  Assuming the correct cause has been identified, it can still be quite tricky eliminating the source.  There are other considerations to outline as well, including the damage which has been caused, the duration for which the energy has remained stagnant, and the proximity of the energy to other areas of the aura and soul.  This means ensuring that a cleansing ritual can successfully eliminate a negative energy source so it may also halter its ability to transfer to other spiritual areas of one’s life. In other words: can the negativity be eliminated before it spreads to other parts of life, and if so how? 

For these reasons of uncertainty, it is almost always best to contact a professional for a thorough, aural investigation and an experienced opinion.  Sometimes, a multitude of cleansings are required, whereas other times the cleansings might only need to be slightly modified.  It is still fortunate, however, that many variations of cleansings exist for such a broad spectrum of afflictions.

Methods for Cleansing the Aura and Warding Away Negative Energy

Many variations of cleansings exist for a diverse variety of scenarios. These are the most common (and generally accepted as effective) cleansing routines for negative energy of various sorts. Please note that not all of these cleansing rituals or variations will be effective for all situations.


Meditation is one of the easiest forms of cleansings.  For this reason, it is often less powerful, however, with the right practice and experience it is capable of having dramatic negative energy-reducing impact.  Meditation can mean many things, as people all have different methods for reaching peaceful positions.  Some people simply close their eyes and focus on nothing, while others will consider sleep, taking a bath, or playing a relaxing sport to be meditation.  These types of positivity-invoking behaviors create an energy that naturally combats and eliminates negativity. And sometimes, meditation is indeed enough!

Reiki Healing or Crystals

Reiki healing and crystal work are most certainly two different things, although both can be used together, and both can be used in cleansings.  Reiki can be considered a physical cleansing technique, as well as a spiritual one.  Meaning: some reiki healers are so skilled they claim the ability to remove physical pain (which many who witness this pain relief will agree with as true).  Others believe reiki healing is solely intended for the removal of spiritual grief and suffering.  The use of crystals to cleanse a home, person, or environment is very common across the world and all walks of spiritualism.  Their purported potencies are no stranger to the spiritual world and crystals are extremely commonly used in the elimination of evil. In fact, crystals have a nearly endless use when it comes to cleansing.

Acupuncture and Massage

Acupuncture may be one of the most overlooked techniques for cleansing the mind and body of negativity and unwanted energy to date.  Although the practice has been around for generations, people often forget it is one of the most effective ways to clear the body of toxins and frustration.  Massages are a close second, with the power of a hands-on approach having remarkably similar cleansing effects to those offered through acupuncture.  Ultimately still, it will depend upon the skill and experience of the practitioner for both techniques.

Sage Cleansing (and Home Cleansings)

Many cleansing rituals exist which focus solely on the power to clean a home, property, or environment.  These rituals sometimes involve intense, expanded setups which take entire rooms or barns to cast.  Sometimes they are simple, such as burning a sage wand and moving the wand throughout a new home.  Regardless of the technique, cleansings which focus on properties or homes are usually considered maintenance, and good practice is to ensure they are done at least twice a year.

Candle or Incense Cleansing

Similar to sage cleansing, burning certain candles or incense which hold spiritual properties of cleansing, protection, or good doing, can hold value when it comes to eliminating negativity. They can be specially dressed and crafted for cleansings, or they can be normal candles of certain colours which provide cleansing properties to another ritual.  And some incenses are specifically for cleansing (like sage, palo santo, or juniper).

Professional Cleansing

A professional cleansing is typically considered one of the most thorough solutions to negative energy or bad karma.  It is usually conceived as a custom, personalized cleansing that covers the entirety of the aura, mind, body, and spirit.  Provided there is a skilled, experienced practitioner performing the cleansing, these cleansings can be bolstered to handle nearly any situation.  They are suitable for specific, defined purposes (such as eliminating a curse or hex), or as broad-spectrum cleansings.

Séance [rare]

Seances are communication rituals used to interact with a spirit or entity.  They can be modified to eliminate a negative energy or spirit of many types, although they still require a spiritual connection to the entity. This is a difficult skill to master and should only be attempted by an experienced practitioner with the proper tools and environmental settings.  Usually this type of communication-based cleansing is only used when there are possessions or unwanted hauntings.

Some More Tips for Cleansings and Warding Away Negativity

Remember, cleansings are considered sensitive spiritual work in that it focuses on such core parts of a person’s being.  Professional, experienced practitioners are always encouraged for cleansing routines which involve more dense energies, such as those which come from evil or unwanted spirits, home hauntings, curses or hexes of any kind, or residual karma.  It is at least always in best perspective to obtain a professional opinion if the output of the negative energy has been severe or persistent for a long time.

Ancient Wicks Witches Coven offers 100 percent free consultations and would be honored to help you diagnose your situation and figure out how we can help!

Love Spells and Free Will Sun, 20 Jun 2021 16:33:44 +0000 Do Love Spells Alter or Affect Free Will?

What is Free Will?

Free will, in the spiritual sense, is one’s ability to control their own destiny, make their own decisions, and choose what to do with their life.  This can be as simple as choosing what to eat for breakfast.  It can also mean more serious decisions like which college to attend, what classes to take, or what degree to earn.  Sometimes, it can be extremely complicated, such as who to love or spend the entire rest of your life with.  Free will is the possession over the direction of one’s life.  In fact, it could easily be described as having control over the steering wheel of one’s life trajectory.

What is a Love Spell?

Love spells are spiritual routines which draw together the hearts, souls, minds, or bodies of two individuals.  There are many different types of magickal practices which offer love spells.  There are wiccan love spells, pagan love spells (yes, there is a difference), celtic and druid love spells, and voodoo love spells. There are white magick love spells and black magick love spells.  There are powerful ways to cast love spells using crystals, runes, and other devices.  The love spell has evolved throughout the development of mankind to the point of offering so many derivatives and variations there is nearly always a love spell for any situation.  And if this were not satisfying enough, there are custom love spells, which are often most effective due to the higher levels of personalization.

Ethical Love Spells

There is a lot of controversy in witchcraft and spell casting, as people can become sensitive about the idea of “forcing someone to love you.”  Assumptions can be made fairly quickly when it comes to the love spell.  So the obvious question which remains…

Q: Are love spells ethical?

A: Love spells can be both ethical and unethical, depending upon the situation.  It is wise to approach a professional about the situation if there is any doubt as to the moral alignment of a particular love spell.

Some of the situations which outline ethically-sound love spells include:

  • Attracting a Soulmate
  • Attracting a New Lover
  • Returning an Ex-Soulmate or Lover
  • Removing Third Parties (without splitting up soulmates)
  • Improving Passion or Attracting in a Relationship
  • Improving Sexual Desire or Libido in a Relationship
  • Increasing Commitment, or Encouraging an Engagement / Proposal
  • Divorce Spells for Non-Soulmates

Some of the situations which outline an unethical love spell include:

  • Breaking Up a Couple Who Share a Soulmateship
  • Binding a Non-Soulmate
  • Harmful Love or Lust Spells (intruding on a marriage when the married couple are soulmates)
  • Love Spells which Force Connection (two people must be connected in some favorable, spiritual sense for a love spell to be possible)

In the end, it is always best to have a professional review your case and provide you with expertise on the morality of a potential love spell.  Ancient Wicks Witches Coven offers free consultations and would be happy to help.

Love Spells by Ancient Wicks Witches Coven

Ancient Wicks Witches Coven offers some of the most powerful, customized love spells available.  We only use the strongest of ingredients, which can mean incredibly fresh or incredibly aged components depending upon the casting.  The love spells this coven is responsible for are often full-package, meaning they include all the necessary cleansings and after-castings to ensure full spell satisfaction. Our coven takes great pride in your intake process.  New clients receive a free consultation, which allows us to get to know your case, detail out some charts, and determine exactly what can be done to help you.  We will always be honest with you and provide the best possible advice for your situation. We are also extremely good about keeping clients up to date during their casting.

Other Pieces of Advice

As mentioned above, the decision to do a love spell should always account for ethics and moral values.  The answer is most likely already in the heart, as people are generally able to tell if they share a Soulmateship with someone.  Soulmates are overwhelmingly powerful connections, and it is always ethically-sound to cast a love spell on a soulmate.  Professional spell casters are also able to complete charting processes, astrological analysis, and/or aura maps to determine a soulmateship. Ancient Wicks Witches Coven offers free consultations which include checking the compatibility of two individuals to determine if a love spell would be effective or possible.  Professionals are also able to help advise in other ways, such as suggesting the best times and methodologies for casting a love spell, the right love spell for the situation, and other personalization factors.

Some Last Words on Love Spells and Free Will

Love spells have been around for thousands of years, just like witchcraft and magick.  Some earlier forms of the love spell were most certainly more basic, but the modern-day spell has come a long way! Free will has always been a consideration when it comes to the love spell, but as they say: “where there is will there is way,” and many situations qualify for ethical love spells. Still, it is always best to consult a professional love spell caster, as they will be able to provide excellent guidance.

Is It Possible to Contact the Dead? Thu, 17 Jun 2021 06:28:01 +0000 Can You Contact the Other Side?

The deceased are almost always accessible in some fashion. The type of seance or reading may have an effect on the type of response a deceased spirit can provide; and some spirits will respond better to different types of seances and energies. But the short answer is: yes, it is possible to contact the other side. It is possible to ask the deceased questions. It is possible to receive information from a deceased individual. And it is possible to determine if a deceased individual is watching over us. It is only a matter of finding a method for contacting the other side which is right for the deceased spirit!

Methods for Contacting the Deceased

Although there are many methods for contacting the other side, these are some of the most reliable and well-tested techniques.

Crystal Ball, Divination Crystals, or Runes

Many covens or spiritualists will use the crystal ball or other divination crystals as a communication tool for talking to the other side. Spirits are able to more freely express themselves through these types of tools, and these kinds of seances and readings almost always reveal more information and detail. Runes are very common for extracting the most information, but they can be complex and require more setup time, ingredients, soaking time, and interpretation effort. Still, they are often worth the effort!

Automatic Writing

Automatic writing refers to a psychic’s ability to “channel” a spirit or deceased individual’s energy through their pen or writing utensil, and onto parchment. The psychic can choose what prompts to ask of the spirit, or they can allow the spirit to freely contribute. Sometimes, it is easier for a spirit to respond when there are prompts (whether focused upon in the mind’s eye or verbally announced). Automatic writing can be very difficult and require years of experience and practice. For example, Ancient Wicks Witches Coven has an automatic writer with over 40 years of experience!

Tarot Cards

Tarot cards is one of the oldest divination tools on Earth. The decks may vary in size, shape, and design, but they always focus on giving the Universe, and spirit world, a chance to communicate with our physical realm. The cards may be a challenge to read sometimes, making the information more ambiguous to say the least, but sometimes it can be a bit less pressure for a spirit to display an answer through a card.


Pendulums may be used for many things, but divination with the other side is one of the most common. They can be of versatile construction, some being made of stones, while others are made of metals. There are weighted pendulums, wooden pendulums, and pendulums which double as necklaces. The versatility of the pendulum means it is one of the easiest to adapt. Unfortunately, it is harder to obtain bulk information with the pendulum, and it takes forever to obtain any information at all [most of the time].

Dreams & Visions

Some spiritualists utilize visions, trances, dreams, or “spirit walking” as a method for contacting the other side. It can be more difficult for these methods to obtain specific information from a targeted deceased individual, but it is possible to attain a lot of information in general, as well as purported visions of the future.

Channeling / Possession

Surely one of the most dangerous and risky methods, but still one of the most effective: channeling remains a very powerful seance and communication method. Sometimes channeling can be called “posession,” as the technique works by allowing a spirit or entity to temporarily possess a caster or psychic in order to relay information through verbal or written task. Although it is strongly discouraged for the insanely higher likelihood of inviting an unwanted spirit or entity into the physical realm, it still remains a very powerful communication tool in terms of talking to the other side.

Tip: Remember, it is always wise to have someone with experience perform seances and communication with the deceased. Contacting the deceased with no experience can have negative consequences!

Some Last Words on Contacting the Other Side

Without a doubt it is possible to communicate with spirits and the deceased. It is always easier to contact a deceased whom is a willing participant. Still, it is possible to communicate with any deceased individual with the right experience and effort. Contacting the dead is still a very sacred ritual, and it comes with its own liabilities. Meaning: if it is not done correctly, by an experienced individual, it can invite negative energy or other spirits into the arena (only the individuals conducting the seance are at risk). This is why seances are often reserved for professionals only. Ancient Wicks Witches Coven has been performing seances for centuries. Our family has incredible success at retrieving and delivering accurate information with the other side.

And remember, it is always easier for a seasoned spiritualist to make a connection with the other side. This experience also pays off in terms of retrieving more details and information about the deceased individual. Ancient Wicks Witches Coven offers free consultations for seances and readings which communicate with the other side. We would love to hear your story and offer our advice, so be sure to reach out today!

Hello From Ancient Wicks Witches Coven Wed, 16 Jun 2021 06:55:24 +0000 Merry Meet, Friends!

Our blog will be the most direct way to gain better understanding over our craft, celebrations, and belief systems. We will reveal as much as we are allowed to and give you insight as to how we practice. Our spells may be well-learned, family-taught, and contain a lot of coveted techniques, but we can still share plenty of interesting things about what it is we do. For example, we can start with a few basic FAQs…

What Is a Coven?

Covens, in the classic spiritual/witchcraft sense, refer to groups of individuals practicing witchcraft, magick, or prayer. These individuals may be considered witches, priests, warlocks, spiritualists, priestesses, or a variety of other titles. Covens can be composed of any number of members, of varying or different skill levels. While we operate with a coven of 4 active members at Ancient Wicks, we support the composition of covens of all types.

What Is Magick / Witchcraft and Is It Evil?

Magick comes in all shapes and sizes. Some folk consider the terms magick and witchcraft interchangeable, and for the most part, they are interchangeable. Some magick, such as the practices here at Ancient Wicks, has rich historical value and claims a prominent rank amongst generational casting traditions. In other words: the type of magick we perform has a long history throughout magickal culture, and has been carefully passed down throughout our family line.

Although there are many types of magick, some of which are evil in roots or nature, the magick our coven performs is considered entirely white in color. Nothing we do is evil, works with spirits, or builds negative karma. We are very careful in our practices and follow strict procedures for operating with moral and ethical standards in mind.

What Are Spells and How Do They Work?

Spells are components of magick or witchcraft. They are practices, routines if you will, strung together to focus some kind of energy into manifesting a desire. There are many types of spells, many types of energies, and many types of desires. For example, a moon-based energy can be used to cast a spell that breaks up two couples so that an ex lover can be returned. Another great example is an astronomical energy (planetary magick) being used to romantically draw two people together.

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