Merry Meet and Welcome!

Prince Rods Coven has generations of experience in witchcraft and psychic readings.

Welcome to the Prince Rods Witches Coven, a generational, family coven with practicing roots as deep as the mid fifteenth century. The witches in our family have been around and practicing since before the birth of America. As a family coven we have generations of success and the profound advantage of a well-developed short-hand that gets the job done faster. In other words: the spellwork we perform is of extremely powerful origin and has been dialed to a potency which is indescribable with words! It’s true, we can weave some insane magick!

Why Are You Here?


If you have found us, there is no question that you have needs. And there is nothing wrong with that. We are all human and we all have needs…

  • Salvage a broken relationship
  • Fixing a Love Triangle
  • Ending a Divorce
  • Increasing the Romance in a Relationship
  • Bringing Back an Old Flame or Ex-Lover
  • Finding a Soulmate
  • More Passion or Spark in a Relationship
  • Engagement or Proposal / Marriage Desires
  • Increased Attention or Lust
  • Libido, or Sexual Desire
  • Fulfilling Fantasies
  • Breaking Up a Couple
  • Beauty or Weight Loss
  • Gambling or Lottery
  • Money or Promotion

No matter why you are here, we want you to know that it is okay to need a little help sometimes. And we want to learn about your situation, and offer you whatever help we can.

That said, we encourage you to read more about our coven’s story, and we would love to hear your story too.

We are here for you and we look forward to seeing your email!


Blessed Be,

~ Prince Rods Witches Coven

Why Choose Prince Rods Witches Coven?

Ancient Wicks Witches Coven has helped over 2000 customers achieve their happily ever after! We invite you to read some recent Prince Rods reviews or add your testimonial today!

Prince Rods Witches Coven has been around a really long time. In this time, we have learned a lot in terms of what is efficient, expedient, and overall sturdy for spellwork. We have developed some of the most rock-solid, trustworthy techniques in the world. Our devotion to our clients is one of the number one reasons people always come back. And with a happy customer base of more than two thousand people, we can confidently say that our spells work! Not only do they work, but they can be counted upon as permanent solutions. We use the strongest ingredients, most concentrated focus, aged and proven incantation techniques, and treat every spell as if it were for ourselves.

If you are looking for a genuine coven who will place your needs ahead of their own, Prince Rods Witches Coven is happy to help!

Check Out Our Blog

Our family has been around the magickal block a time or two, so-to-speak! We have a lot of creative casting tips and tricks, astrological celebrations, astronomical contributions, generational secrets, and all types of tidbits to offer. Our blog is the #1 way to read up on these excerpts and to learn the most about what we do. Our blog is also a great way to get a better understand of witchcraft, casting spells, and all things spiritual from a practitioner’s point of view.

Some of the topics you might find in our blog include:

✛ Guidelines for Effective Spell Casting
✛ Information about Candle Magick
✛ Astrology & Signs
✛ Astronomical Advantages (Using the Sky)
✛ Tips for Improving Psychic Readings
✛ Energy, Reiki, Crystals
✛ & More

Although our blog can be thought of as our coven’s diary and a sort of “Public Book of Shadows,” we will also be listing some other fun entries from time to time. Some of these extras might include flash deals, excerpts of family history, and festival or spiritual holiday information.

Remember, if you fall behind, never panic! You can always check out our blog’s archive anytime for an easy way to see our latest posts as well as anything you may have missed!

Get a Free Consultation Today


Getting spiritual assistance is no different than getting a haircut or taking out the trash: it is regular maintenance that provides for a better quality of life and happiness. Sometimes, we need to consult others with a little more skill or experience with a particular field of interest. The Ancient Wicks Witches Coven has generations of experience and want to give you the personalized attention and consideration that you deserve. And the best part? It is entirely free to message us! If you contact us today, we would be happy to give you a no-obligation, completely free consultation! All you have to do is reach out and tell us your story, and we hope you do!

Don’t Wait Any Longer! Making the Right Decision TODAY, Might Cost Ounces, But Regret Costs TONS!

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